Four-time BJP MLA and Deputy Leader of the party in Delhi Assembly, Jai Bhagwan Aggarwal, looks set to make it five in a row as an overwhelming majority of people in his constituency are happy with his work.
The question being asked in Rohini is whether Congress will do what it has not done in last four assembly elections – repeat an old candidate against Aggarwal. Builder K K Wadhwa and Vaish leader Bijender Jindal, who lost to the BJP in 2008, are seeking the party’s nomination.
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) may not have much of a say in Rohini, a seat where the BJP and the Congress have traditionally slogged it out between themselves.
The question being asked in Rohini is whether Congress will do what it has not done in last four assembly elections – repeat an old candidate against Aggarwal. Builder K K Wadhwa and Vaish leader Bijender Jindal, who lost to the BJP in 2008, are seeking the party’s nomination.
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) may not have much of a say in Rohini, a seat where the BJP and the Congress have traditionally slogged it out between themselves.
JAI Bhagwan Aggarwal is probably the only legislator in Delhi who not only has won his seat regularly since 1993, but has also gone on to increase his victory margin in each election except in 1998 when onion prices activated tear ducts in the saffron camp. He won by over 4,400 votes in 1998 and increased it to more than double in 2003 and again to over 25,000 in 2008. Each time, the Indian National Congress put up a new nominee against him. Read more..
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