gfiles magazine

July 10, 2017

Art of ‘knowing’

WHY do I invoke Adiyogi or Shiva so recurrently? It is a question I am often asked. The answer to that is simple. It is not because I want to anthropomorphise the divine. It is not because I want to introduce some devious mode of pagan worship. It is not because I want to usher in some Eastern cult.
I invoke him simply because he is vital for our times. And he is vital because there is nothing more important right now than raising human consciousness. We have the tools and technologies in our hands with which we can make this world a paradise, or turn it into a living hell, or obliterate it altogether because of our own capabilities. In other words, we have reached a point where if we do not raise human consciousness, our intelligence and capability is going to work against us. We are racing rapidly towards self-sabotage. How did we get ourselves into this mess? We got here because we developed our intellect at the expense of our interiority.

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