gfiles magazine

May 19, 2013

Bonding with life

love sadhguru
Bonding with life
There is a lot of talk about ‘divine love’ everywhere. The assumption is that love is a quality that needs to be imported from Heaven. People either profess to love God or believe God loves them. I am often told, very emphatically, by people, “God loves us.” I tell them, “The way you’re made, only God can love you. He has to love the mistakes he has made!”
Everyone can love God because He’s not even around! Besides, if God is an embodiment of love, why would He need your love? Leave God alone. Let Him do His job; you do yours. But people are seeking to communicate with Krishna, Rama, Jesus, without even being on talking terms with their neighbours!
What most people call love is just a mutual benefit scheme. You have physical, emotional, psychological, social, economic needs, and so many others. To fulfil all these, you have formed various relationships. But tomorrow if you withdraw from your part of the deal, the other person will do the same. That’s the reason why relationships are always on the edge. This is simply because two people are trying to extract happiness, or life, from each other. As long as you are trying to fulfil your needs through somebody, this struggle will go on. There is no possibility of knowing love when there are needs to be fulfilled.Read More

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