gfiles magazine

August 14, 2012

Limited ambition, larger vision

sadhguru spirituality
Of the four major forces in the world – politics, military, religion and economics – that decide the quality of people’s lives to a large extent, I see the economic force as the biggest possibility for bringing about some unification and sensible action. In the next ten to fifteen years, the economic leadership is poised to play a far more important role in the world than others. Therefore, we are presented with a great opportunity for largescale change. More than 80 per cent of the world’s wealth is controlled by just a few thousand people. Even if just 10 per cent change happens in their hearts, the world will change. The world is hungry not because there is no food. There is more food than the seven billion people on the planet can eat. It is just that those who need it do not get it, because one way or the other, those who have the power and the means have not cared enough to do something about it.
Today’s corporations have grown to such a size that they are as big as governments. That is why today’s corporate leader is required to travel extensively, handle a variety of issues and complexities, and above all, deal with people from diverse cultures. Therefore, a truly successful corporate leader should be versatile and able to multitask in complex situations......Readmore

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