gfiles magazine

June 8, 2012

Turn a new leaf

Turn a new leaf
Today, bureaucrats are doing their job for sure, but the question is whether they are doing enough to bring about change?
In the May issue of Gfiles, I had ventured to start a conversation on the role of the civil services. And indeed, it has evoked a number of responses. A senior bureaucrat suggests a policy for utilisation of the large resources available in the form of retired officials. Let me clarify that I did not suggest that retired civilians should be employed by the Government. In fact, I am of the view that there should be absolutely no reemployment of any civil servant after superannuation, however indispensable he may be. I only meant that these retired civilians should analyse the issues in the light of their own experience and tell their serving colleagues where they had gone wrong.
Another friend asked how civil servants should voice their views in public when the media projects them as the greatest hurdle in serving the interests of the people. Now, this is a serious problem. But they can first decide what to say and then find a way of saying it....READMORE

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